
Member benefits

When you become a member of the Olympic Astronomical Society, OAS, you become a part of an enthusiastic and energetic group of amateur astronomers located in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States based out of Bremerton, WA.

The OAS is a family oriented society, welcoming all who have an interest in astronomy. The society hosts a variety of picnics, potlucks and star parties.  Our featured star parties are our semi-annual Camp Delany Star Party in the beautiful Sun Lakes State Park in Eastern WA and our summer star parties up at Hurricane Ridge located in the heart of the Olympic Mountains.  Check out our photo gallery in the link on the home page.

The OAS also offers monthly meetings at Olympic College which include very informative presentations, videos, speakers and fun people to be around.

Equipment and Telescopes: OAS members also get to check out equipment such as telescopes, Eclipse shades and much more. Take a look at the selection available by clicking on the links above,

Summer picnics, parties and potlucks, banquets and other social events are lots of fun and a great way to meet people.

Also included is membership into the Astronomical League and discounts on Astronomy and Sky and Telescope magazines.

Membership prices:

Family:  $28.00 (2 or more)

Individual:  $25.00

Student:  $20.00

Membership form download